Learn simple tips to becoming MORE mindful everyday and LESS stressed! Shifting your mindset from “go, go, go” and instead focusing on the present, mindful moment. Through the practice of mindfulness you will discover JOY and HAPPINESS in the little things throughout your crazy, busy days!

How Can I be Mindful Everyday?

Being present…in the current moment. Easier said than done, especially I find with parenting. So many precious moments go by…and instead of taking time to soak them up or appreciate them, I find myself thinking of my next task or an item on my “to-do” list….and then not only have I missed the “moment” but I also missed out on enjoying and being present for the moment.

Learning how to be more present is how you can be mindful everyday. Take simple mindful breaks throughout the day. It can be as simple as taking your lunch break outside and leaving your phone on silent.

What Exactly is Mindfulness?

So what exactly is being simply mindful? I am sure you have heard the term “mindfulness.” It is a hyped up buzz word right now, but truth be told, it has been around for a long time. Mindfulness is simply being in the here and now. I love this visualization, picture your mind completely full with thinking of tasks you need to do, things you need to say, all of your worries, etc, etc, etc… Now picture your mind only focusing on ONE thing….simply being present in your current task. That is mindfulness. It allows you to take a deep breath and enjoy the simple things. Maybe for example, when you are eating a strawberry…you will take a moment to just enjoy the strawberry. Savor the moment and recharge.

How Can I be Mindful at Home?

The first step to being mindful at home is to leave work at work. When you come home, you need to break from your work day. Then set aside time to be phone and device free. Not only does your mind need a break, but so does your eyes. Discover tech free activities that you enjoy, such as reading, cooking, gardening or exercising.

Now let’s take this a step further…with parenting. Try the next time you are around your child…to put your phone down, completely out of sight and instead, just listen to your child. Really listen and be present. I bet you will find that you are happy you took the time to be “mentally” in the moment and being “simply mindful.”

BONUS: Virtual Mindfulness Room

Take a moment to check out my virtual mindfulness room. Every object around the room takes you to a link for a mindfulness activity. Enjoy!

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